www.stablegeartack.com Stablegear Tack 18833 Hwy V V Wentworth, MO 64873
417-476-2505 business cell nancy@stablegear.com nancy@stablegear.com 
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www.stablegeartack.com > Electrolytes And Syringes |

2 available |
Endura-Max Oral Electrolyte Powder
Endura-Max electrolyte powder's unique formula meets the specific needs of the endurance horse. It provides the proper ratio of electrolytes necessary to support optimal performance and quick recovery during and after endurance training and competition.
5# Tubs in stock. 40# special order only.

4 available |
Endura-Max Plus Buffered Electrolyte Paste 3 Tube Packs
Concentrated buffered electrolyte; replenishes electrolytes and supports normal gastric environment
60 cc recommended single dose tube, many people split into 2.
Stablegear Price $12.00 Each (individual tubes sold in shop)
3/$32.00 Sold online in increments of 3.
Case of 20 $195.00 Has it's own listing.
Listed in multiples of 3. of you want 6 order "2" etc.

1 available |
Endura-Max Plus Buffered Electrolyte Paste CASE of 20
Concentrated buffered electrolyte; replenishes electrolytes and supports normal gastric environment
60 cc recommended single dose tube.
Stablegear Price $12.00 Each individually 3/$33 has it's own listing.
Case of 20 $195.00

Oral Syringe with Thumb Ring 60cc Regular & Pill Crusher
60 cc Oral/irrigation Syringe with handy thumb ring. Used to administer electrolytes, supplements or medications to horses and other animals. Also good to flush wounds.
Cap Included.
This is a different brand than I used to carry.

3 available |
Perfect Balance Electrolyte Powder 2.5 #
Perfect Balance Electrolite is formulated to match the proportion of electrolytes lost in horse's sweat. This ensures accurate balance and absorption for all horses. Perfect Balance Electrolite also provides concentrated Chloride levels which new studies indicate is an extremely important but often overlooked electrolyte.
MSRP $36.99 Stablegear Price $36.00
4lbs. 82 servings