www.stablegeartack.com Stablegear Tack 18833 Hwy V V Wentworth, MO 64873
417-476-2505 business cell nancy@stablegear.com nancy@stablegear.com 
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www.stablegeartack.com > Sponges & Accessories |

6 available |
Mesh Sponge Bag with Cord
Black Mesh Bag with a cord and brass snap to clip to saddle.
The Cord is approximately 40".

Sea Sponge (Natural Sea Wool)
NEW Shipment! Natural Sea Sponges absorb more water for efficient cooling and rinsing. Large 9"-10" inch (wet) size. "Sea Wool" is the most durable and absorbent of the real sea sponges.
$21.00 without Grommet $25.00 with grommet added.
These are too big for the mesh bags I sell for Synthetic Sponges.

SG Deluxe Sponge Leash
Sponge leash about 6 feet long. It has a ring stitched in near the middle, a clip at the sponge end and another clip and ring at the saddle end. The clip at the sponge helps it submerge and easily clip up the middle ring and ring at the saddle clip.
Made from 1/2 wide Beta or regular BioThane®. Most colors available. Typically made to order. Brass or stainless hardware.

Simple Sponge Leash
Made from 1/2" beta or regular BioThane®. 6' Long with a hand loop in one end and a "56" snap stitched in the other end. Most colors available, stainless or brass hardware. Typically made to order.
Select desired hardware, length & color.