www.stablegeartack.com Stablegear Tack 18833 Hwy V V Wentworth, MO 64873
417-476-2505 business cell nancy@stablegear.com nancy@stablegear.com 
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www.stablegeartack.com > First Aid & Wound Care |

10 available |
LubriSynHA Wound Gel
Advanced wound care with Hyaluronic Acid. Works great for all types of animals on all types of wounds! Great for hot spots, burns, lacerations, rain rot, cracked heels and so much more! Product Details: Gel Formula Easy to apply spray Antiseptic antibacterial Safe, all natural Hypoallergenenic Hydrates while healing Helps clot blood and reduce blood loss.
4 oz size

Vetrap 4"
3M 1410 Vet Bandaging Tape has been used by professionals for over 40 years. This veterinary self adhesive bandage has layers that ""bond"" together to provide support bandages that stay put, allowing better fit and lower risk of the self adherent bandage slipping. The self adhering bandage allows skin to breathe through cool, lightweight & porous material.
Vet Bandaging Tape, 4 in. x 5 yd
Assorted Colors